The Universidad Católica de Manizales has 11 research groups that revolve around the fields of knowledge of the academic programs. The University guides the academy and therefore the research with criteria of universality, humanization of knowledge, quality and innovation, so that through them a citizenship that responds to the challenges of today's world is built.
Line of Research in Institutional Strengthening for the development of the UCM Mission.

The expectation of UCM's progress, in its current status as a high quality accredited university, involves complex issues regarding the management of a renewed national regulatory conglomerate, as well as the need for strengthening through its mission, whose development in the key of transcendence is considered timeless. Indeed, the Institution, from its missionary nature, must strive for continuous improvement, as well as constantly renew the horizons of work through a global reading that contributes to local development.
For this reason, the Research and Postgraduate Department proposes a transversal line of research for the institution in the following areas Institutional Strengthening for the Development of the UCM Mission.
General Objective
Generate knowledge through research on the processes linked to the development of the Institutional mission with a view to strengthening it.
Specific objectives
- Periodically characterize the needs, regulations and educational trends of the local, regional, national and international contexts involved in institutional strengthening for the fulfillment of UCM's mission.
- Contribute to the strengthening of academic-administrative management and the development of UCM's substantive and missionary functions, in articulation with the PEU, the PDI and the Personalizing and Liberating Pedagogical Model.
- Strengthen the pedagogical and curricular management processes in order to contribute to the integral formation of students, as well as to the performance of graduates, with quality and relevance in the context of performance.
- Assess the contributions of the academic-administrative management and the development of the substantive functions in the fulfillment of the mission by measuring the impact, level of consolidation and sustainability.
Among the main challenges of the Line of Research in Institutional Strengthening for the Development of the UCM Mission, the following topics are projected as research objects:
- Contributions to the fulfillment of the institutional mission through the deployment of the PEU and PDI, and their impact on society.
- Appropriation of the institutional pedagogical model from the perspective of integral human formation and its application in the academic-administrative activity.
- Relationship and coherence between the Personalizing and Liberating Pedagogical Model and the mediations and processes of teaching, learning and evaluation at UCM.
- Support for student performance in national and international tests, and development of skills and competencies for global performance.
- Contribution to faculty development, articulated with education, updating, training and performance evaluation.
- Distinctive contributions of the Institutional Student Development and Permanence Program to institutional strengthening.
- Impact of the academic programs in the context from the social contribution, the relevance of the curricula, the impact on public policies and the performance and development of the graduates.
- Mechanisms for curricular feedback of research that contributes to the relevance of the programs.
- Contribution of welfare and pastoral care to human and social development.
- Influence of governance and strategic direction on institutional consolidation and sustainability.
- The role of the systematization of academic-administrative processes in the efficiency of institutional management