
History of the Universidad Católica de Manizales has its roots in the act of the Foundress of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Santísima Virgen: Marie Poussepin, who in 1696 founded this Congregation in a small village in the south of France, Sainville, devastated by misery, hunger and ignorance due to the war.
It is in this context that we meet this woman: Marie Poussepin, born in the XVII century and who from her personal charisma: the charity, as she said: "Love of God and love of neighbor", she knew how to respond to the needs of her time by being able to read the signs of the times and find in them the Voice of God who called her to place at the service of her brothers and sisters the charism received as a gift from God for the world and the Church.
Thus, throughout these more than three hundred years, the Congregation, present today in 36 countries and four continents, faithful to the Charism of Marie Poussepin, brings everywhere the "knowledge of Jesus Christ and his mysteries" through two strong lines that mark the horizon of action of the Congregation: education and health.
In the education area, the Congregation is present in the world through works ranging from small schools to the only University of the Congregation worldwide, The Universidad Católica de Manizales founded by Sister Matilde Robledo on February 11, 1954.
Present in 36 countries worldwide

- Bolivia
- Brasil
- Burkina Faso
- Camerún
- Colombia
- Corea del Sur
- Costa de Marfil
- Cuba
- Curaçao
- Chad
- Chile
- Ecuador
- El Congo
- El Salvador
- España
- Estados Unidos
- Filipinas
- Francia
- Guatemala
- Haití
- Honduras
- India
- Inglaterra
- Irak
- Israel
- Italia
- Líbano
- México
- Nicaragua
- Panamá
- Paraguay
- Perú
- Puerto Rico
- República Dominicana
- Uruguay
- Venezuela