Consistent with our mission and our social profile, UCM has adapted to the context and challenges of the world, and has created the INNEO Innovation Center.
Through the collaboration of the university community with business, society and the state, and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, the university is responding to the great challenge of To be strong and recognized for innovation, scientific production and entrepreneurship.
INNEO is committed to innovation along four specific lines:

Inneo Educational innovation

The educational innovation line focuses on the improvement of teaching and learning processes, based on experiences that have an impact on the actors in the education sector. Thanks to research and collaborative work, different methodologies and strategies are implemented that allow an experiential training supported by reflections on educational innovation, and the use of digital technologies as means that contribute to good teaching practices in the classroom.
Inneo Social innovation

The Social Innovation line seeks to generate new solutions to social problems identified with the communities, through the articulation of actors, sustainability, scalability and replicability of the initiatives developed in this context.
To meet this objective Inneo social innovation has: The Observatorio de Innovación Social, the Gimnasio de Habilidades Blandas y the Laboratorio de Innovación Social.
Inneo Technological innovation

Trabajar en común unidad con las demás líneas de innovación del centro de innovación INNEO UCM, con el objetivo de promover la cultura de la innovación, mediante el trabajo colaborativo y creativo por parte de toda la comunidad educativa, para el desarrollo de iniciativas innovadoras que permitan solucionar retos del contexto interno y externo
Inneo Internal process innovation

This line of the innovation center is based on the knowledge, trajectory and institutional experience on the processes that are carried out in order to maintain quality standards and a permanent appropriation of the culture of continuous improvement at UCM.