Recreational and sports spaces promote important skills and values that tend to strengthen the formation of our community, such as discipline, ethics, morality, responsibility, leadership, teamwork, goal setting, sense of identity, solidarity, character, tolerance, acceptance of norms and rules, and otherness, which provide the fundamental basis for living together in society and responding to the challenges and emerging challenges in society.
Recreation and Sports
Recreation in convivial activities, physical activity spaces, rumba therapy, recrematch, recreational vacations, recreational integration workshops - leadership and teamwork, welcome recreation and integration, recreational days, traditional games, ecological walks, board games, recreational activities with the external community.
Competitive Sports
Participation of representative teams in university and open tournaments at local, regional and national levels in the following sports disciplines: volleyball, basketball, ultimate, soccer, sand volleyball, indoor soccer, table tennis, squash, judo, field tennis, chess and athletics.
University Sports
Internal tournaments, sports promotion groups and sports days in volleyball, squash, indoor soccer, basketball, soccer, table tennis, soccer tennis, chess.
Formative Sports
Sports subject groups in the disciplines of basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, squash and physical conditioning.
Sports Incentives
- Athletes who belong to the UCM selections will have a 10% tuition discount per semester.
- UCM athletes or teams that obtain the title of champions in local tournaments will receive a 30% discount on tuition each person.
- UCM athletes or teams that obtain the title of champions in zonal tournaments will have a 50% discount in registration fees each person.
- UCM athletes or teams that obtain the title of champions in national tournaments will receive a 70% discount on tuition each person.
- UCM athletes or teams that obtain the title of champions in international tournaments will receive a 100% discount on tuition each person.
- Athletes who are members of departmental or national teams that are champions in national or international tournaments (departmental leagues or national federations) will receive a 15% discount on the registration fee.
- Athletes who are members of departmental or national teams that are runners-up in national or international tournaments (departmental leagues or national federations) will receive a 10% discount on the registration fee.
Do you want more information about the recreational and sports activities we offer?
Henry Andrés Londoño Hernández
(6)8933050 Ext. 2403
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m.