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Diploma in Educational Strategies for Working with Communities Affected by the Armed Conflict

Mode: Virtual

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Level of education: Courses, diplomas and others

Target audience:
Teachers, educational agents, rectors, counselors, mediators, community agents, collaborators of NGOs and educational and other entities dedicated to promoting education in contexts made vulnerable by the armed conflict. The proposal may be submitted to the Secretary of Education, community leaders, among others.


Hourly intensity:
144 hours


The diploma in educational strategies for working with communities affected by the armed conflict, is a proposal that was born at the Catholic University of Manizales in view of the needs and challenges facing the country at this historic moment, where the signing of the peace agreements will allow the cessation of the armed conflict of one of the most representative armed groups in the history of the country. Children, young people and adults have been affected in different ways by the traces of war throughout the national territory, therefore this proposal seeks to provide tools, generate strategies and build with the participants new paths different from those that violence has traced, assuming the challenges of education, generating initiatives that allow the integration of people who dissociate themselves from violence and who have been victims of it. It is important to talk about peace building, but it is essential to know the effects of conflict and the ways of working with communities affected by violence.



Introductory Module

Historical understanding of the armed conflict in Colombia and brief contextualization of the peace agreements.

Module 1

Differential effects of the Colombian armed conflict (gender, generation, ethnicity, urban-rural, direct victims, indirect victims).

Module 2

Challenges for educators in working with communities affected by violence: approaches based on forgiveness and reconciliation.

Module 3

Psychosocial tools for the educational approach in scenarios affected by the armed conflict.

Module 4

Preparation of the educational community for receptivity, acceptance and inclusion of people affected by violence.


Why this program at UCM?

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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The Universidad Católica de Manizales reserves the right to open its Continuing Education programs, in case the number of applicants is not the number stipulated by the University to start.
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