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Diploma in English for Bachelors, Specializations, Master's Degrees

Mode: Virtual

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Nivel de formación: Centro de idiomas

The Language Center offers the Diploma in English in virtual mode, according to the specific purposes of distance and postgraduate programs, for those learners who, due to their limited time availability and difficulty of travel, only have internet connectivity. Each module consists of 2 virtual tutorials and 8 units of independent work.

English in virtual mode: 8 training levels

Target audience:
Students, professionals and community of all areas.


Hourly intensity:
8 hours of tutoring - 40 hours of independent work per level.

2 months

Valor por nivel 2024 – 167.000

Information and contact:
E-mail: dircenid@ucm.edu.co - idiomas@ucm.edu.co
Contact phone: (6)8933050 Ext. 3281 – 3281




Professional English I-II-III


Professional English IV-V-VI


Professional English VII-VIII


Why this program at UCM?

+ High Quality University
+ High employability rate
+ Modelo Pedagógico Personalizante y Liberador
+ Financing facilities
+ National and International Mobility

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